Thursday, September 30, 2021

Distance Learning 2021

My kids are still doing their online classes over a year now but despite everything, I am grateful to their schools and teachers for the continued distance learning. COVID-19 may have disrupted our usual activities but that does not mean that we stop also with our lives instead, find ways to go on and adapt to the new normal.

It would have been fun for our kids to see other people like they used to, and for us to see our family and friends without worrying. However, while the virus is not yet fully eliminated, let us take care of our health first in order to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our friends. Most importantly, get vaccinated. These are the only options for now.

How about you? How are your kids coping? I hope they are doing fine and still enjoyed their virtual classes. Remember, this is just temporary. Let's continue to pray and hope that this will be over soon, and everything will be back to the way it used to be. Have a great day!

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