Saturday, October 22, 2022

My Daughter's Capping Ceremony

Attended my daughter's capping and pinning ceremony today. It took me back in year 2004 when I had my own capping ceremony. Nursing actually was my second course, and I had already my daughter at that time, I guess she was only a year old. This time, it's her turn to wear a cap, light the candle and said the Florence Nightingale pledge.

To be honest, I did not encourage her to follow my path and take up nursing. One of the reasons was COVID-19, and another reason was, she might end up like me of not having practice my profession. However, I have to think that her path is different from mine. I was already a mom when I took up nursing then I gave birth to my second child after I passed the board exam. Then the reality of my youngest child diagnosed with asd was devastating that helping her was my goal and put my professional ambition aside. Anyways, enough of that.

Today, I celebrate my eldest daughter's milestone. I wish for success in her studies and pass all exams. May she be strong enough to face every obstacle that may come along the way and may she be able to successfully achieve all her dreams in life.

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