Sunday, September 25, 2011

YS: Special Halo-Halo

I am currently craving for this:

It was my brother who ordered this Special Halo-halo at Mom's Corner but he let me try it. It was indeed yummy and when I came back to that place again, I ordered this yummy delight.

Do you have any food to share? Join Perfectly Blended's YS every Sunday and show us a pic of your yummy food!


emzkie said...

very yummy! imiss halohalo!..

My YS is up here at SAHM Reviews.Net

Pinx said...

wow!! that really looks yummy! visiting late for YS!

Gene said...

halo-halo are always a treat! Lots of flavors and quite refreshing too. My toddler loves just the "sabaw", gulaman and sago. :D

Late visit via Yummy Sunday. Here's mine: Carbonara Vegeroni

cheerful said...

i love halo-halo...looks very delicious, miss ko na ang kumain nyan, eh! visiting late from YS, hope to see you around. thanks and have a great week. :)