Saturday, May 22, 2010

What's Up?

Sorry, I've been lazy blogging lately. Sometimes, my mind was kinda just blank to think I have plenty to talk about. Problem is, when I'm on my site already, words just vanished from my mind...

To update you with my current pregnancy, I'm on my 7th month and I'm happy to say that my placenta is on its right position already. At least I'm not on strict bed rest now and I'm allowed to go malling (yey!) but of course I will not take risks. I'll just take it slowly.

Well, darn, I've thought about of so many things to say here awhile ago but now, suddenly I feel so sleepy... I'll just come back later and we'll see... I'll just take a nap, sigh...


Kristie said...

hey cookie! nice to here from u again :)

dont worry, just enjoy ur pregnancy and stay happy ok!

rest if u must!

Mummy Gwen said...

You need alot of rest, dear. Don't worry about blogging. Hope everything goes smoothly for you. ^_^