I watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy film a few years ago. I never read the book but my husband told me that the book version was really great. I never bothered about it. But just this week, I went to Booksale (one of my favorite stores at the mall) and found LOTR by J.R.R. Tolkien books. Reading novels is one of my favorite pastime these days and how eager was I to get hold of my LOTR copy. Plus, it's for sale! So, without much thinking, I bought it right away. It may seem too much buying 3 books in one time but I thought it was still a cheap bargain, so - no sweat, hehehe... Besides, these are the kind of books which I can pass on to my daughter to read when she gets a little older.

If you liked the movies you'll LOVE these books!
great books!
I am big fan of LOTR, have seen it many times. Even I have seen the extended editions. But never read a book. May be I should sometimes.
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